Rebuild Engines


The rebuilding of engines has been on the rise for the past few years. People have started to take a keen interest in their cars and appreciating them for the big part they play in helping them move from one point to another. When you wish to rebuild engines there are some factors, such as the expertise of your mechanic, that you need to consider. The engine of a vehicle is its heart.

9 February 2018

Don't Overlook These Important Maintenance Tasks for Your New Car


The best way to keep your new car running like new is to take good care of it and ensure it's always properly maintained right from the moment you drive it off the dealer's lot. The more vigilant you are about taking care of your new car, the longer its overall life and the fewer repair bills you might face down the road. To ensure your new car is always in its best condition and to ensure you always have a safe and comfortable ride, note a few important maintenance tasks you don't want to overlook, beyond just getting the oil changed!

15 January 2018

3 Top Reasons to Ensure Your Caravan Is Properly Maintained


Going out camping with your very own caravan in tow is a great way to experience the beauty of nature in various holiday parks and camping destinations across Australia. However, it is important for you as a caravan owner to keep in mind that your caravan can break down just like your tow vehicle. Though preventative maintenance won't prevent every problem that may arise out of normal use of your caravan, it is a great way to minimise repair issues.

20 December 2017

Answering Your Questions About Logbook Servicing


When you buy a new car, as well as some used models, you will usually receive a logbook. This book is meant to keep you organized and on track when it comes to regular maintenance of the vehicle. It will include reminders of what needs servicing and when, and then spaces for you to record when the work was done, by whom, and so on. If you've never had a logbook with a vehicle before, note a few questions you might have about logbook servicing.

27 October 2017

Hydraulic Equipment Makes Auto Servicing More Convenient


It would be difficult to imagine automobile servicing today without the use of hydraulic equipment. These systems have made it easier for vehicles to be raised, moved and adjusted so that proper maintenance can be carried out on them. Hydraulic equipment refers to the range of equipment that is used to maneuver vehicles while they are being serviced. Cylinders, jacks, pumps, power packs and automated vehicle hoists all fall under hydraulic equipment used in vehicle maintenance.

26 September 2017

Avoid These Common Mistakes, So Your Caravan Is Always In Good Repair


When you own a high-quality caravan, it should stay in good repair for many years, even if you take it to rustic and rough campgrounds or enjoy using it on a regular basis. However, many caravan owners make some simple mistakes when it comes to the use of their caravan, and these mistakes can cause damage or hasten the need for repairs to the van. Note a few of those mistakes here so you can avoid them yourself, and always keep your caravan in good repair.

11 July 2017

What to Ask When Renting a Truck for a Move or for Business


If you're moving from one home to another or need to transport some business equipment, you can typically rent a pickup or cargo truck as easily as you rent a car. However, because rental trucks are often used for heavy-duty hauling and for moving items, and not just for transportation, you want to ensure you know everything involved in their rental. Note a few questions to ask when renting a truck, so you don't overlook anything and are sure to get one that fits your needs.

11 July 2017